Tuesday, June 8, 2010

trinity cathedral

On Wednesday, we went to Columbia's Trinity Cathedral. The Cathedral is one of the oldest buildings in Columbia and is currently being restored. We walked around the church, exploring some of the seemingly ancient architecture with one of the site's painters. He explain their emphasis on restored instead of rennovated. And we got to go inside the main sanctuary, which looked more like a busy construction site (except fot the beautiful ceiling work). It was really interesting to talk with the craftsmen about the project and get a close-up look at a cathedral.
The church was shaped like a cross. The tansept is where the cross intersects, near the front of the church. The aisles go down the sides of the longer end of the cross to enable movement for the guests to their pews, or the nave. The ambulatory is outlined around the cross to encourage the circulation of traffic.
I had honestly never noticed the African American Monument outside the State House. It was a history for where African American came from, where they are now, and how hard it was for them to make it. It celebrates Afican American innovators and leaders in South Carolina. Black or white, this monument depicts an important part of South Carolinan history.

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