Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gabe & Seema Madden - Columbia, SC 2007

The Palmetto Portait that I choose to write about was "Gabe & Seema Madden" Kathleen Robbins. This photograph is of a man and his wife. They are seated about three feet away from each other in chairs with their feet up on a screened in porch. The woman looks just past the camera with her head at an angle. She is pregnant. Her husband looks directly at her, it is unclear whether his gaze settles on her face or on his unborn child in her stomach. The viewer is behind a window of glass from the couple. The photo is bright and crisp.
To me, the photograph was a comment on relationships. There were several relationships in the photo: the man and woman, woman and child, man and child, and the viewer to the family of individuals and as a whole. I belive this work is about relating to people. Its also about discovering different perseptions of relationships.
I did like this photograph. Realtionships, that what I like about art. It's all about relationships. I don't know these people. I don't know their situation but I understand a lot about their dymanic as a couple, how they feel about each other, and how they feel about having a child by just simply looking at this photo.
Thanks, Kathleen Robbins.

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