Tuesday, June 29, 2010

movies. . .

While counting up the posts on my blog, I discovered that the syllabus is a little miss numbered. We actually only need sixteen posts, but I only had fifteen. I found that this is because I accidently skipped one. I skipped the post about Movies/Cinema. Here it is. . .
On Monday June 7th, we talked about movies is class. Cinema is a pretty copmplicated business but some of the details really surprised me. I had no idea that there were so many different camera shot. . .like over seventeen!! And all the many people involved in on the production is amazing.
I have a close friend named Willy and he is majoring in Media Arts here at USC. He wants to move to Austin, TX make films when he graduates. There is some kind of budding indie film scene out in Austin. But he is really talented and he has taught me that cinema is a lot more that meets the eye.
This is a video of one of my favorite movies, Little Miss Sunshine. It's also a movie Willy likes :)

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