Tuesday, June 8, 2010

boomwackers :)

I thought that Tuesday was a very fun class. I have seen boomwackers once before while babysitting but I had no idea what they were. I thought that it was really great to get to experiment with them all together during class.
On Tuesday, I learned about the many different styles of classical music. I knew about classical music but I had never heard of the many different subcategories that classical music had.
Music is important to me because it does an excellent job of reinforcing my mood. When I am depressed, I'll listen to a depressing song or when I'm really happy, I'll listen to a happy song and there is some kind of release. Like, I am able to evaluate my moods better thanks to the artists who create the songs I listen to. I study with music on. Usually, I can think about a project I once did and I automatically associate it with the album I listened to while doing it, (for instance, a high school English project, the Napoleon Dynamite Soundtrack!).
When I was 16, I saw Paul McCartney perform at Madison Square Garden. I am a huge Beatles fan so this was really exciting. He played a wonderful show and then he came to the song "Let It Be", one of my favorites. Before he started playing it, they turned all the lights out in the arena and passed out candles. There were no extra instruments on this song, just Paul and his piano. He played this moving song in a huge arena by candle-light alone. It was incredible because he removed all the lights, noises, and stage crafting, leaving just his emotions expressed through music.
I like a great variety of music. I love The Beatles but most of my other musical tastes lean more towards the indie, singer/songwriter genre. I like Feist, Death Cab for Cutie, She & Him, Ben Gibbard, Brandi Carlisle, Regina Spektor, etc. An unfortunate guilty pleasure is Lady Gaga. Sadly, I would pay large amounts to see her live. I hear she's got a killer stage show. . .don't judge!

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