Sunday, June 27, 2010


I was unable to attend the Arthur Frazier Piano Competition on June 17th because I had to work. So Dr. Heid told me that I could go to the River Walk on Sunday. I was attempting to go but it started raining!!! So I will instead tell y'all about a show I went to in Lexington on Friday. There is a popular band in Columbia call The Restoration. The Restoration consists of four guys and one girl. The instruments played are guitars, keyboards, drums, horns, banjo, and violins. The style is a mix of classical, bluegrass, and folk. The lyrics, however, are the most interesting part. All of their lyrical inspiration comes from southern historical fiction. Their latest album Constance features a family from early 20th century Lexington, SC. The band even dresses in date clothing, adopting the identities if these fictional characters. The album talks of the many trials and tribulations of this family. The Restoration has the best stage show of an unsigned band to date. They are playing again on Friday July 2nd at the White Mule (which is on main street). I encourage you to go out and get an earful!!
or atleast listen to this. . .

The Restoration - Drowning Mr. & Mrs. Palmer - Live Studio Performance from The Restoration on Vimeo.

The Restoration's myspace

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