Sunday, June 27, 2010


On Monday June 21st, the class met at the Columbia Marionette Theater. We watched the theater's production of "Puss in Boots". It was of course a children's show but it was still very entertaining for us adults. After the show, the puppetiers came out in front of the stage to answer questions for the audience. Children asked questions like "how do the puppets move", etc. After that we were able to go backstage and see the puppets and their masters' work up close. It was really great to see the process of making all the puppets and the puppets' costumes. I also got to hold some puppets and try to make them move around like they had on hte stage. It was not at all easy!! I am particularly curious about this because my major is 3-D studies and I am trying to decide what I would like to pursue upon graduation (which is quickly approaching)! I had a great time at Columbia's Marionette Theater. I even signed up to get an email about their newest show and I'm really looking forward to it!!

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