Saturday, June 12, 2010


I believe that Kandinsky was an abstract artist. He was clearly obsessed with the one idea: the apocolypse. He dealt with themes of post-apocolyptic Russia with angels, horns, horses, knights, mountains, etc. As his work progresses you can still see and point out the faint hints of these symbols in his work. I took an upper level art history class with Dr. Collins last year. It was 20th Century Art, I think. We talked about Kandinsky and I learned that Kandinsky was deeply religious. In fact, he followed the belief of the Russian monk Filofei, that Moscow would be the Third Rome. He explored his system of beliefs through symbols in his art, like the Blue Ryder. He also thought that there was a certain spirituality to colors, which he employed his in brilliant works.
I can identify with Kandinsky, for I too have counter-cultural beliefs. His work gives me courage to explore ways to process and express what I believe in my art. If one thing can be said about Kandinsky, it's that he truly explored his faith.

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