Tuesday, June 29, 2010

movies. . .

While counting up the posts on my blog, I discovered that the syllabus is a little miss numbered. We actually only need sixteen posts, but I only had fifteen. I found that this is because I accidently skipped one. I skipped the post about Movies/Cinema. Here it is. . .
On Monday June 7th, we talked about movies is class. Cinema is a pretty copmplicated business but some of the details really surprised me. I had no idea that there were so many different camera shot. . .like over seventeen!! And all the many people involved in on the production is amazing.
I have a close friend named Willy and he is majoring in Media Arts here at USC. He wants to move to Austin, TX make films when he graduates. There is some kind of budding indie film scene out in Austin. But he is really talented and he has taught me that cinema is a lot more that meets the eye.
This is a video of one of my favorite movies, Little Miss Sunshine. It's also a movie Willy likes :)

phnatom VADER

Yesterday in class, we watched The Phantom of the Opera. I have seen this movie before but its been awhile, so I was glad to watch it again. In this movie we saw parts of an opera house, different roles and types of opera singers, and all the pieces that go into a functioning opera.
This is a video I found online. Apparently, some Star Wars fans decided to make one of their favorite movies into a musical that mimicked The Phantom of the Opera.
If you like Star Wars I think you will enjoy it. . .

Sunday, June 27, 2010


On Thursday June 24th, the class met at the Trustus Theater in the Vista to see Hair. I have been to Trustus once before for a album release concert for a local band. So I have seen the theater but I didn't have a very good idea of how one could work the stage to where it could have a set and scenery, as well as room for several actors. The show was very good. It would be called musical theater due to the transition between spoke lines and songs. The play tells the story of a band of hippie type youths in the 1960s who are seeking to reject mainstream culture and create a counter-culture. The main enemy to their dream of peace is the war and the government. We follow the group as they fight the man and fight for peace.
The performance was very interesting but since I'm not exactly in tune with the 1960s some things went a little over my head. But hey, I could still appreciate the cool songs and the sweet, long hair!!

the theater

On Wednesday June 23rd we talked about the theater. We discussed the many types of plays and musicals. We looked at some different sets and scenes from operas. We discussed the people involved in putting on a show, similar to a movie with a few differences. We also talk a little about different shows we have been to. I have been to several productions here in Columbia and I have been to two Broadway musicals: The Lion King and Chicago.
I have a close friend named Trey who does a lot of stage lighting here in Columbia. He graduate from USC about a year ago with a degree in Theater Performance and he currently works for the Columbia City Ballet doing there lighting. He has a hard job, which he has tried to explain to me repeatedly but I still get so confused by all that he is responsible for!! YAY TREY!!


On Monday June 21st, the class met at the Columbia Marionette Theater. We watched the theater's production of "Puss in Boots". It was of course a children's show but it was still very entertaining for us adults. After the show, the puppetiers came out in front of the stage to answer questions for the audience. Children asked questions like "how do the puppets move", etc. After that we were able to go backstage and see the puppets and their masters' work up close. It was really great to see the process of making all the puppets and the puppets' costumes. I also got to hold some puppets and try to make them move around like they had on hte stage. It was not at all easy!! I am particularly curious about this because my major is 3-D studies and I am trying to decide what I would like to pursue upon graduation (which is quickly approaching)! I had a great time at Columbia's Marionette Theater. I even signed up to get an email about their newest show and I'm really looking forward to it!!


I was unable to attend the Arthur Frazier Piano Competition on June 17th because I had to work. So Dr. Heid told me that I could go to the River Walk on Sunday. I was attempting to go but it started raining!!! So I will instead tell y'all about a show I went to in Lexington on Friday. There is a popular band in Columbia call The Restoration. The Restoration consists of four guys and one girl. The instruments played are guitars, keyboards, drums, horns, banjo, and violins. The style is a mix of classical, bluegrass, and folk. The lyrics, however, are the most interesting part. All of their lyrical inspiration comes from southern historical fiction. Their latest album Constance features a family from early 20th century Lexington, SC. The band even dresses in date clothing, adopting the identities if these fictional characters. The album talks of the many trials and tribulations of this family. The Restoration has the best stage show of an unsigned band to date. They are playing again on Friday July 2nd at the White Mule (which is on main street). I encourage you to go out and get an earful!!
or atleast listen to this. . .

The Restoration - Drowning Mr. & Mrs. Palmer - Live Studio Performance from The Restoration on Vimeo.

The Restoration's myspace


For class we agreed to go see a movie at the Nickelodeon Theater here in Columbia. I have been to the Nick many times before. It is my favorite theater in Columbia becuase they show the types of films I prefer and you can buy alcohol at the consessions stand!! I went to see Greenberg. It is a "coming of middle age" kind of film starring Ben Stiller and Greta Gerwig. It is a great film and would recommend that everyone see it. It is funny, but a bit depressing but it left me with encouragement "to embrace a life I hadn't planned on" ( a line from the movie).
Also, I took my crew, which includes Kelley, Punch, and Sean. We all had a great time. They all whole-heartly approve of a class that sends me to the Nick :)